A couple= of staff members from Don Ericson have been calling Susan Trumbauer for as= sistance with PDS. Susan has helped them as she can but since she doesnR= 17;t have access to their system she is unable to do very much for them. Su= san stated that they have a new accounting person who needs a lot of help a= nd had several questions about the system. It seems her questions were most= ly GL related. It sounds like … Continue reading “Don Ericson”
Don Ericson
A couple= of staff members from Don Ericson have been calling Susan Trumbauer for as= sistance with PDS. Susan has helped them as she can but since she doesnR= 17;t have access to their system she is unable to do very much for them. Su= san stated that they have a new accounting person who needs a lot of help a= nd had several questions about the system. It seems her questions were most= ly GL related. It sounds like … Continue reading “Don Ericson”
Don Ericson
A couple= of staff members from Don Ericson have been calling Susan Trumbauer for as= sistance with PDS. Susan has helped them as she can but since she doesnR= 17;t have access to their system she is unable to do very much for them. Su= san stated that they have a new accounting person who needs a lot of help a= nd had several questions about the system. It seems her questions were most= ly GL related. It sounds like … Continue reading “Don Ericson”
Don Ericson
A couple= of staff members from Don Ericson have been calling Susan Trumbauer for as= sistance with PDS. Susan has helped them as she can but since she doesnR= 17;t have access to their system she is unable to do very much for them. Su= san stated that they have a new accounting person who needs a lot of help a= nd had several questions about the system. It seems her questions were most= ly GL related. It sounds like … Continue reading “Don Ericson”
I need y= our assistance testing the new DataViewer program. Due to the issues weR= 17;ve had with DataPipe this new tool will eventually be replacing DataPipe= in the future. The cool thing about it is that it runs independently of Ad= obe Reader and also offers new features such as: · = History feature – the user can go bac= k and view last 30 documents ·  = ; Tabs – You can have more= than one item open at … Continue reading “DataViewer”
I need y= our assistance testing the new DataViewer program. Due to the issues weR= 17;ve had with DataPipe this new tool will eventually be replacing DataPipe= in the future. The cool thing about it is that it runs independently of Ad= obe Reader and also offers new features such as: · = History feature – the user can go bac= k and view last 30 documents ·  = ; Tabs – You can have more= than one item open at … Continue reading “DataViewer”
I need y= our assistance testing the new DataViewer program. Due to the issues weR= 17;ve had with DataPipe this new tool will eventually be replacing DataPipe= in the future. The cool thing about it is that it runs independently of Ad= obe Reader and also offers new features such as: · = History feature – the user can go bac= k and view last 30 documents ·  = ; Tabs – You can have more= than one item open at … Continue reading “DataViewer”
I need y= our assistance testing the new DataViewer program. Due to the issues weR= 17;ve had with DataPipe this new tool will eventually be replacing DataPipe= in the future. The cool thing about it is that it runs independently of Ad= obe Reader and also offers new features such as: · = History feature – the user can go bac= k and view last 30 documents ·  = ; Tabs – You can have more= than one item open at … Continue reading “DataViewer”
I need y= our assistance testing the new DataViewer program. Due to the issues weR= 17;ve had with DataPipe this new tool will eventually be replacing DataPipe= in the future. The cool thing about it is that it runs independently of Ad= obe Reader and also offers new features such as: · = History feature – the user can go bac= k and view last 30 documents ·  = ; Tabs – You can have more= than one item open at … Continue reading “DataViewer”
I need y= our assistance testing the new DataViewer program. Due to the issues weR= 17;ve had with DataPipe this new tool will eventually be replacing DataPipe= in the future. The cool thing about it is that it runs independently of Ad= obe Reader and also offers new features such as: · = History feature – the user can go bac= k and view last 30 documents ·  = ; Tabs – You can have more= than one item open at … Continue reading “DataViewer”